OM – The Sacred Sound

OM – The Sacred Sound

by Nischala Joy Devi. February 10, 2015. OM is the sacred mantra of divinity. It is chanted and revered as the sound from which all other sounds resonate. , awakening universal consciousness. In this way, it is the guru of sounds, invoking the Divine Consciousness in...

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Skip the Excuses! Enjoy Your Practice.

by Nischala Joy Devi. September 17, 2014. I have had the privilege of teaching yoga as stress management for many years to all populations, including people with life-threatening diseases. It always amazes me how many excuses I hear for not doing the practices. To...

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How Does Your Belief System Influence Your Life?

by Nischala Joy Devi. July 30, 2014. Many belief systems seem to hold that difficulty is beneficial. This is reinforced by the all too popular adage: "No pain, no gain." Perhaps we should reconsider this philosophy. A small measure of discomfort may be necessary to...

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The Best Way to Start Your Day

by Nischala Joy Devi.July 15, 2014. Greet each new day with joy, thankfulness, and reverence. Have a feeling of anticipation, looking forward to what the day will bring. If worries spring to mind, set them aside. Let your mind come back to the present moment. "Now I...

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The Healing Path of Yoga – Republished!

The Healing Path of Yoga – Republished!

The Healing Path of Yoga (Re-Published with a New Cover!) Time-Honored Wisdom and ScientificallyProven Methods that Alleviate Stress,Open your Heart, and Enrich your Life     By Nischala Joy Devi Foreword by Dean Ornish, M.D. Stress is now considered the foremost...

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Love: Enjoy the Peaks and the Valleys

by Nischala Joy Devi.May 23, 2014. We humans cause ourselves so many problems by expecting that life and our relationships should always be on the upswing without, then, swinging in the opposite direction. In fact, our lives and even the most loving relationships are...

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Fresh Resolves for a New Year: Use All of Yoga

by Nischala Joy Devi.January 7, 2014. It's that time again"“the beginning of a fresh, new year. It's a time for reflection on our old habits and to make changes to better our lives. Often, I hear people reflect on and plan to make one change—"I am going to meditate...

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A Balance of Darkness & Light For Good Rest

by Nischala Joy Devi.November 24, 2013 It seems that so many people these days are hungry for some good sleep. Our hectic, fast-paced lives often keep us from taking the time to set the stage for truly refreshing and healing sleep. But being aware of your sleep...

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Sleep Well with the Maya Koshas

by Nischala Joy Devi. November 14, 2013. If we investigate sleep through the subtle bodies, or Maya Koshas, we understand that there is much more to sleep then putting the head down on a soft pillow. Accessing and acknowledging these five subtle aspects takes us into...

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