by Nischala Joy Devi. Intuitive Wisdom empowers us to expand beyond the constantly changing natural world (seen) to the abode of the Divine Spirit (seer). As our consciousness expands, we realize that there is an essential difference between the inner world of the...
Spark The Remembrance of Who You Really Are
by Nischala Joy Devi. December 2, 2014. Before we begin to formulate a word or even a thought, a feeling is experienced that stems from a vibration. This vibration that triggers the feeling is then translated into a thought, a thought to a word, a word to writing--a...
The Magic Wand: Our Intuitive Wisdom
by Nischala Joy Devi. August 27, 2014. Difficulties manifest because we do not understand that everything in this natural world changes and cannot be slowed, halted, or possessed. The only thing we can hold on to is the knowledge of the True Self. Once upon a time...
The Rhythm of the Spirit: Honor Your Intuition
by Nischala Joy Devi.December 7, 2013. Before we begin to formulate a word or even a thought, a feeling is experienced that stems from a vibration. This vibration that triggers the feeling is then translated into a thought, a thought to a word, a word to writing—a...
Are Your Chakras Really Closed?
by Nischala Joy Devi. March 5, 2013. Can we really survive if our energy source is cut off? It seems unlikely. Yet many people talk about a chakra being closed. Usually this means that the energy from that whirling vortex is in a tamasic (dull, lazy) state and moving...