The Power to Heal

Jun 10, 2018 | Articles, blog, Featured | 5 comments

by Nischala Joy Devi All Events

Do you believe you have the power to heal yourself? The power to heal others?

When most of us think of healing we imagine going to a bonafide “Healer,” someone who pro ports to possess the rare and mystical power to heal. This could be a spiritual or religious person, or even a member of the medical community.

Why do we think they have a special power and we do not?

Is it something that they were granted at birth or developed later on?

Would it be a surprise to discover that we have this same power to heal within each of us?

Though it’s often thought to be relegated to a very few, we ALL have the power to heal.

It is often said that our greatest fear is not that we do not have power, but that we are we are afraid to discover our own power.

Is it something to be hidden away until we cannot remember how to use it or where to find it?

Confronting this fear allows the healing energy to emerge. It then allows this dynamic energy to be directed to heal our bodies, minds and ultimately the world.

While many of the great traditions have healing at its core, Yoga seems to cajole this great power to emerge through its myriad practices.

In a world where disease indiscriminately touches everyone, regardless of age, economic background, political affiliation, etc. healing practices reign supreme.

Beginning with ourselves, this energy grants us the ultimate power to return to wholeness. By directing and enhancing the pranic life force, mysteries are revealed that many of us only heard about or imagine.

A good way to start to understand the need for healing is to observe how well our bodies function.

Is it able to digest and assimilate what foods it is given? Does a wound or injury heal well? Do you have all the vitality you need to fulfil your daily routine?

Do the mind and emotions support enriching your wellbeing?

As you observe the body, the mind and emotions notice if fluidity is present? Can you observe an ability to grasp new concepts, search new frontiers? Are the emotions able to let go of what is unnecessary and accept the positive instead of embracing the negative?

We are then able to move to the greater world beyond our small circle. Are we able to give to others and make a difference in healing our planet? We may not think that one person can do very much in the vastness of what is required, but in even the smallest gesture of healing the whole world is elevated.

Of the many practices that are used for healing, the simple practice of Laying on of Hands, has survived the test of time.

The Hands are the servants of the Heart. When we touch someone with our hands we are touching them with our hearts.

Laying on of Hands is one of the oldest forms of healing often relegated to clergy or religious.

Yet, this practice becomes an everyday wonder when a small child holds up a hurt finger to be kissed or a gentle touch is given for emotional comfort.

Try this simple practice on yourself or a good friend and notice if you can feel the emergence of healing energy bestowed on both parties.

Sitting quietly take in a few deep breaths to calm the body and mind and open the heart.

Begin to feel energy moving from your heart down into your arms and hands.

Place your hands together and begin to rub them quickly. After a few minutes you will feel heat generating.

Very slowly start to move your hands away from each other and feel the energy between them.

You may need to play with the energy a little bit until you feel it.

Hover your hands about two inches above a physical location where healing is needed. For instance, if there is an issue with a knee, place your hands on either side of the knee so the pranic energy surrounds it. You can do this on a shoulder, a hand or foot or on any part of the body.

Let it remain there for a few minutes, keeping the mind and heart focused on healing.

As you gently withdraw the hands, sit quietly once again to notice the energy.

With great attentiveness to the Yoga practices and principles, the dynamic (kundalini) energy within is unleashed. We are then blessed with unlimited healing power and vitality for healing of ourselves, others and the entire planet.
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  1. Jeannine

    I will try this tomorrow on myself and my own true love❤️❤️

  2. Elena Grieco

    Dear Nischala,

    I just wanted to thank you . I’ve tried the energy of hands and it worked from the very first moment. I was overwhelmed. I also read your book The secret power of yoga and just like magic, that book gave me the right answer exactly when I needed. It was unbelievable. So helpful and comforting.
    Thank you again.

  3. delphine

    thank you so much for the subtle and inspiring moments you brought into my life through all your words and voice; adding more feminine and heart felt explanations to yoga was the key for me!! Thank you Nischala

  4. Rishi

    Looking after your heart is the best thing you can do for your body.


    I really liked your method and i hope it works. i will definitely ask my patients to try this.

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