Experiencing OM

by Nischala Joy DeviNovember 2, 2013 OM is the sacred mantra of divinity. It is chanted and revered as the sound from which all other sounds resonate. , awakening universal consciousness. In this way, it is the guru of sounds, invoking the Divine Consciousness in...

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Balancing Universal Energy, the Gunas

by Nischala Joy Devi. May 22, 2013. As the universal energy flows into our physical, emotional and intellectual bodies, it divides into the three gunas. Guna is a Sanskrit word that means attributes of nature. Each chakra has these three attributes of nature within...

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Are Your Chakras Really Closed?

by Nischala Joy Devi. March 5, 2013. Can we really survive if our energy source is cut off? It seems unlikely. Yet many people talk about a chakra being closed. Usually this means that the energy from that whirling vortex is in a tamasic (dull, lazy) state and moving...

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Heaven & Earth Chakras

by Nischala Joy Devi. February 26, 2013 When people refer to the seven chakras, they usually start from the base chakra (Muladhara) and move up. The Muladhara is typically called the first chakra. This way of approaching the chakras is based on the premise that we are...

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