Beloved Divine Beings, 🕉
Blessings of the New Year.
Most years as the old year dissolves, our vision for the new year is that it will be better, brighter, healthier, and happier than the last.
Within that vision we may long for the gift of prosperity, to be released from the worry of paying bills, even harboring a small hope that the one luxury we have been saving and dreaming of will manifest. Or we affirm that this is the year we meet our soul mate or get that promotion or realize our true nature through dedicated practice.
Yet this year our welcoming of the new year may have different attributes and even goals. We may find that our prayers earmarked for prosperity or the love of our life is now channeled into experiencing radiant health. Health of our bodies. Health of our minds. Health of our family, our neighbors, and our planet. This past year brought us the realization that being healthy contributes to the joy of living a full life whether that healing be personal, familial, or global.
The crisis the world finds itself in now is no less than catastrophic. But if viewed from a slightly different angle, through the enormity of THE PAIN, we are able to experience solidarity with billions of people. We become aware that even from thousands of miles away we can feel in our hearts that a person is grieving, and without understanding, language, culture, or circumstances, we are with them in that pain.
Here is a powerful heart-centered practice, that can be implemented at any time. It encourages us when we feel pain, physical and/or emotional, to expand the experience of that personal pain till instead of my pain, it becomes THE PAIN. The PAIN of the people. The PAIN of the world, the entire world. For some of us this is an overwhelming mission based on an urgent call. Through it our hearts are soothed. We may even find our own personal pain has lessened.
We may court a feeling of helplessness, wanting to make a difference in some way, but how? Perhaps your own family issues are magnetizing us to a small corner of the world. We may become frustrated at our inability to do more to help, serve. For your kind heart, I offer a story from the heart of Mother Theresa.
Serving the poorest of the poor is often an exhausting as well as ominous undertaking. This service can easily elicit great physical demands. One of the nuns in the Missionaries of Charity order was afflicted with a disease that rendered her unable to leave her bed. Any hope of recovery and physical service was diminished through the long duration of the illness. Yet, she still considered herself to be a member of the community and a flicker of hope remained to one day serve again, the poorest of the poor.
On one occasion Mother Theresa visited the nun. Humbled by the presence of the great servant of God, the nun became emotional.
“What my dear child could be the reason for the tears?”
“Oh Mother, you and the other nuns work ceaselessly to serve so many in need, while I am hopelessly in this prison of a bed. It must be time for me to die as I am not longer useful and feel I am taking the food from those that are hungry and time away from the needy as the nuns spend much time caring for me.
“What” Mother asked gently, “do you do all day when you are lying here?”
“In my waking hours I pray. I say prayers that all that serve have the health, strength, and energy to continue their duties. I pray for the people who are sick, in poverty or in any way suffering, to find relief.”
With a compassionate smile Mother Theresa said, “Do you not realize that without your prayers giving us energy each day, we would not be able to serve the poor. Each of us has our own way of serving. Your body will not allow you to serve in the same way we do, but your service is just as important. Please continue to pray for us, as your prayers fuel our service.”
No matter what your level of strength and activity during this challenging time, take a few minutes or more each day and send out a prayer for all those sick, defeated or suffering in some way.Send it thought the air, the sea, the land, imagine a stream of loving healing energy touching each person, animal, plant, and mineral, on this amazing planet. Imagine that we are all linked through that one light that dwells within us all.
I wish you a healthy, vibrant, prosperous, and loving New Year, 2022🙏🏻
From my heart to yours, ♥️