by Nischala Joy Devi. November 17, 2014. To truly progress as spiritual beings, we must give the heart a place of honor. My foremost inspiration from a saintly woman came in the form of Sri Sarada Devi. Most commonly known as the wife of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa,...
There’s More to Yoga Than Stretches
by Nischala Joy Devi. October 9, 2014. Occasionally, I see or hear about heart patients who are following a yoga, stress management, and dietary regime but the results are not good. Their cholesterol, blood pressure, or chest pain is still above normal. Why is this...
Feminine Uniqueness & Yoga
by Nischala Joy Devi. September 30, 2014 A woman's body and her emotional makeup have unique qualities that need special attention. Many of the yoga poses need to be adapted to the female body. Yet, our special needs are ignored if we follow traditional asana...
Let Your Compassion Blossom
by Nischala Joy Devi. May 12, 2014 Compassion is the sacred energy that flows through the heart chakra to each and every living thing in the universe. When accessed it allows us to feel a sense of oneness with all. Compassion blossoms as our inner guidance, especially...
Ahimsa: Love & Reverence for All
by Nischala Joy Devi. August 31, 2013 Embracing reverence and love for all (Ahimsa), we experience oneness. Yoga Sutra II:35 Most often this exalted virtue of Ahimsa is translated simply as "non-harming" or even "nonviolence." Again, we visit the idea of placing a...
Let Compassion Take The Driver’s Seat
by Nischala Joy Devi.April 16, 2013. The word "compassion" is such a beautiful word; soft and gentle, it is comprised of two parts: com, meaning "with," and passion, meaning "any intense emotion, either pleasurable or painful." Many times it is difficult to know...