Prana: The Universal Energy

by Nischala Joy Devi. October 23, 2013. Let's talk about prana, the vital energy. Inhabiting and surrounding each cell of our physical body and is the universal energy called prana (this energy is named qi in Japan and chi in China). Everything in the natural world...

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What Is Active Imagery?

by Nischala Joy Devi. October 9, 2013. Recently, someone wrote in with a question, asking, "What is meant by active imagery?" In active imagery we formulate an action to work directly on an area in need of healing and, with concentration, we project that image to do...

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Keep Your Heart Light

by Nischala Joy Devi. October 3, 2013. In ancient Egypt, after death, the heart was removed from the body to be measured against the weight of a feather. If the heart was found to be heavier than the feather's weight, the person was considered not ready for admission...

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Start The Day Relaxed & Limber

by Nischala Joy Devi. September 23, 2010. The time of day for practice of the yoga poses, asanas, can be determined by the busyness of your schedule. Early morning seems to work well for many because the day's activities are not yet in full force. The mind is calmer,...

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Asteya: Never Miss An Opportunity to Give

by Nischala Joy Devi.September 14, 2013. Asteya: Abiding in generosity and honesty, material and spiritual prosperity is bestowed.-The Yoga Sutras This wonderful teaching from Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, Asteya, is one of the ethical teachings of yoga. Asteya encompasses...

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Imagery: All Things Are Possible

by Nischala Joy Devi.September 7, 2013. A great story of healing came from a dear friend who was out for a walk on a wintry day. She stopped in the library; and, by the time she departed, the weather had turned to freezing rain and sleet. Putting her coat over her...

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Ahimsa: Love & Reverence for All

by Nischala Joy Devi. August 31, 2013 Embracing reverence and love for all (Ahimsa), we experience oneness. Yoga Sutra II:35 Most often this exalted virtue of Ahimsa is translated simply as "non-harming" or even "nonviolence." Again, we visit the idea of placing a...

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Meditation to Withdraw the Senses – Pratyahara

by Nischala Joy Devi. August 21, 2013. Our senses are wonderful tools, but they can also pull our attention here, there, and everywhere. The yogic practice of pratyahara, withdrawal of the senses, helps us have control over them and use them well, rather than being...

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Natural Vitality with Balanced Food

by Nischala Joy Devi. August 14, 2013. Sattwic, or balanced, food brings vitality and health to the body and peace and joy to the mind. It is food that is simple, tasty, and as close to its natural form as possible. When food is natural, we eat less of it; our bodies...

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A Meditation: Dissolving the Five Kleshas

by Nischala Joy Devi. August 7, 2013. In last week's blog post, I talked a bit about the kleshas (the veils over the inner Light) and why dissolving them will bring us full awareness of that Light. Here is a guided mediation that can help dissolve those kleshas. Take...

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