Developing Devoted Practice, Abhyasa

by Nischala Joy Devi. March 1, 2014 In last week's blog, I talked about Abhyasa (Devoted Practice) and Vairagya (Remembering the Self)--the vital duo that team to elevate our consciousness and bring us union with the True Self. This week, let's talk more about...

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Two Components to Reunion With Your True Self

by Nischala Joy Devi. February 18, 2014. We all want to soar in our yoga practice and spiritual growth. In the Yoga Sutras, Sri Patanjali talks about the importance of teaming devoted spiritual practice with remembrance of the True Self. Both are vital to our...

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Don’t Forget to Serve Yourself

by Nischala Joy Devi. February 4, 2014. Knowing how much we have to give comes as we learn more about ourselves from the inside out, not from the opinions others have of us or how we would like to be. As we serve others without expecting rewards, our capacity for...

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Bring Love to Your Service

by Nischala Joy Devi. January 22, 2014. When performing any kind of service—whether paid or volunteer—genuine love and care for those we serve makes all the difference in the quality of service, the effect on the people being served, and the effect on our own hearts....

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Fresh Resolves for a New Year: Use All of Yoga

by Nischala Joy Devi.January 7, 2014. It's that time again"“the beginning of a fresh, new year. It's a time for reflection on our old habits and to make changes to better our lives. Often, I hear people reflect on and plan to make one change—"I am going to meditate...

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Breathe Past Holiday Stress

by Nischala Joy Devi. December 14, 2013. This beautiful time of year is also one of the most stressful for many people. The rush and obligations of the holiday season—a season that should be simply joyful—can bring anxiety, worry and higher blood pressure. At times of...

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The Rhythm of the Spirit: Honor Your Intuition

by Nischala Joy Devi.December 7, 2013. Before we begin to formulate a word or even a thought, a feeling is experienced that stems from a vibration. This vibration that triggers the feeling is then translated into a thought, a thought to a word, a word to writing—a...

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A Balance of Darkness & Light For Good Rest

by Nischala Joy Devi.November 24, 2013 It seems that so many people these days are hungry for some good sleep. Our hectic, fast-paced lives often keep us from taking the time to set the stage for truly refreshing and healing sleep. But being aware of your sleep...

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Sleep Well with the Maya Koshas

by Nischala Joy Devi. November 14, 2013. If we investigate sleep through the subtle bodies, or Maya Koshas, we understand that there is much more to sleep then putting the head down on a soft pillow. Accessing and acknowledging these five subtle aspects takes us into...

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Experiencing OM

by Nischala Joy DeviNovember 2, 2013 OM is the sacred mantra of divinity. It is chanted and revered as the sound from which all other sounds resonate. , awakening universal consciousness. In this way, it is the guru of sounds, invoking the Divine Consciousness in...

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