When expressed with great devotion, the sacred sound reveals our Divine nature.Yoga Sutra 1.28 The sacred sound must pluck the strings of our hearts in order to unite our entire being. Often, we are accustomed to repeating the same prayer, with our mind and heart...
Remembering Maya Angelou: An Exquisite Test of Faith
by Nischala Joy Devi. May 28, 2014. This morning I heard the news that a beautiful, dynamic light had passed on. Maya Angelou was to me, as she was to so many, a real mentor and trailblazer. Especially women, all women, can have gratitude for her strong, powerful and...
Love: Enjoy the Peaks and the Valleys
by Nischala Joy Devi.May 23, 2014. We humans cause ourselves so many problems by expecting that life and our relationships should always be on the upswing without, then, swinging in the opposite direction. In fact, our lives and even the most loving relationships are...
Let Your Compassion Blossom
by Nischala Joy Devi. May 12, 2014 Compassion is the sacred energy that flows through the heart chakra to each and every living thing in the universe. When accessed it allows us to feel a sense of oneness with all. Compassion blossoms as our inner guidance, especially...
Breath Meditation: See the World in a Different Way
by Nischala Joy Devi. April 29, 2014. Here is a simple meditation, using your breath. Breath meditation is wonderful to help center and balance and reestablish calm on a busy day.To begin, sit comfortably on the floor or in a chair that supports you well. Observe your...
Mantras: Uplifting Words
by Nischala Joy Devi. April 20, 2014. The word "mantra" has found its way into our common language usage today. It is always amusing for me to open the newspaper and find the word mantra in the comics or the financial section. They use it to mean a word that, when...
Hum Into Spring With Yogic Breathing
by Nischala Joy Devi April 8, 2014 At last! After a harsh winter in many parts of the U.S., Spring is here. People who have been bundled up for months are stepping outside and deeply breathing the fresh air. Although pranayama, the yogic breathing practices, do us...
Learning From Your Breath
by Nischala Joy Devi.March 27, 2014. Reverse breathing is a habit that is born out of being frightened over and over again. As we feel fear, our "normal" sympathetic response is to inhale and hold the breath. This allows the blood to be shunted to our extremities,...
Are You Holding Stress?
by Nischala Joy Devi. March 19, 2014. Most of us go through our lives with little awareness of the way different parts of our bodies hold tension and, of course, are eventually adversely affected. The more aware we are of the ways stress affects us physically, the...
Vairagya: Remembrance of the True Self
by Nischala Joy Devi. March 12, 2014. In the last couple blogs, I've been talking about Abhyasa and Vairagya two components that are essential to reunion with the True Self. Patanjali talks about this in the Yoga Sutras: Yoga Sutra 1.12 Consciousness is elevated by...