by Nischala Joy Devi. February 10, 2015. OM is the sacred mantra of divinity. It is chanted and revered as the sound from which all other sounds resonate. , awakening universal consciousness. In this way, it is the guru of sounds, invoking the Divine Consciousness in...
Breathing Inspiration
by Nischala Joy Devi. January 19, 2015. Our own breath provides a beautiful meditation. When we observe the breath, we begin to join the outer world with the inner world. As the waves gently come onto the earth and return to the sea, so our breath enters the body and...
Powerful Tools of Yoga: The Sutras
by Nischala Joy Devi. January 1, 2015. Happy New Year! I hope this is a wonderful, peaceful, and transformative year for you. Yoga, of course, offers us all the tools we need to improve and uplift body, mind, and spirit. If we put these powerful tools to good use,...
The Holiday Season Should Be Joyful
by Nischala Joy Devi December 18, 2014 This beautiful time of year is also one of the most stressful for many people. The rush and obligations of the holiday season—a season that should be simply joyful—can bring anxiety, worry and higher blood pressure. At times of...
Spark The Remembrance of Who You Really Are
by Nischala Joy Devi. December 2, 2014. Before we begin to formulate a word or even a thought, a feeling is experienced that stems from a vibration. This vibration that triggers the feeling is then translated into a thought, a thought to a word, a word to writing--a...
Give the Heart a Place of Honor
by Nischala Joy Devi. November 17, 2014. To truly progress as spiritual beings, we must give the heart a place of honor. My foremost inspiration from a saintly woman came in the form of Sri Sarada Devi. Most commonly known as the wife of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa,...
The Animals Will Love You
by Nischala Joy Devi. November 4, 2014. Taken as a prisoner of war and then isolated from his fellow inmates, Timothy was expected to survive on only a glass of water and one slice of bread each day. Although his body was being starved, it was his soul that was...
Saucha: Cultivate Simplicity, Purity, Refinement
by Nischala Joy Devi. October 21, 2014. Yoga Sutra II.40: Through simplicity and continual refinement (Saucha), the body, thoughts, and emotions become clear reflections of the Self within. Yoga Sutra II.41: Saucha reveals our joyful nature, and the yearning for...
There’s More to Yoga Than Stretches
by Nischala Joy Devi. October 9, 2014. Occasionally, I see or hear about heart patients who are following a yoga, stress management, and dietary regime but the results are not good. Their cholesterol, blood pressure, or chest pain is still above normal. Why is this...
Feminine Uniqueness & Yoga
by Nischala Joy Devi. September 30, 2014 A woman's body and her emotional makeup have unique qualities that need special attention. Many of the yoga poses need to be adapted to the female body. Yet, our special needs are ignored if we follow traditional asana...