Affirmation: When I am in a place of love and oneness, I am one with Mother Earth. The Muladhara Chakra reflects the earth element. It gives us a solid base and is a guide to our survival on our Mother Earth. Meditating on this Chakra helps to free us from fear. We...
Yoga, Yoga Sutras & Heart Centered Living
We spoke about the meaning of Yoga, her take on the Yoga Sutras and how to live a heart centered life. Click Here
The Namaste Effect, Expressing Universal Love through the Chakras
May 2019, A 30 minute Podcast with Michele Lawrence from Inner Peace Yoga Therapy. We talked about her early days as a yogini, the evolving field of yoga therapy, women in yoga, and her new book — the Namaste Effect.
Yoga Talks – Nischala Joy Devi interviewed by J Brown
Click Here:
Healing Relationships Keynote Address 2013
IAYT (International Association of Yoga Therapy) sponsors theSymposium on Yoga Therapy & Research (SYTAR 2013) A keynote address by Nischala Joy Devi "Knowledge can make you a therapist -Intuition will make you a healer." 48 MinutesClick Here to Listen or...
BHAKTI Yoga: Interview with Nischala Joy Devi
By Drishti Point. Listen to Drishti Point's first interview in our Yoga Sutras Series with renowed yoga expert Nischala Joy Devi. In this first interview, Nischala Devi speaks about writing her book The Secret Power of Yoga: A Women's Guide to the Heart and Spirit of...
KARMA YOGA: Interview with Nischala Joy Devi
By Drishti Point. This is the second of our Drishti Point Series on the the Yoga Sutras with renowed yoga expert- Nischala Joy Devi. In this second interview, Nischala Devi speaks about Karma and Karma Yoga. She explains what is karma, how it works, and the various...
JNANA YOGA: Interview with Nischala Joy Devi
By Drishti Point. This is the third of our Drishti Point Series on the the Yoga Sutras with renowned Yoga Expert- Nischala Joy Devi. In this third interview, Nischala Devi speaks about Jnana Yoga, the Yoga of Intuitive Wisdom. With grace and eloquence, Nischala Devi...
HATHA YOGA: Interview with Nischala Joy Devi
By Drishti Point. Listen to a wonderfully inspiring interview with Nischala Joy Devi. This is the fourth (and last) interview in the Drishti Point Series on the Yoga Sutras . In this interview on Hatha Yoga, Nischala Joy Devi speaks about the importance of the yamas...